Saturday, September 1, 2007


Didnt get any work done. What I did do all day was ponder over post-poning the GMAT. I've spoken to Vicky who says that if I'm not ready i should postpone. Its either take the next 2weeks off and take the exam as scheduled or postpone by a further 2weeks. I'm all in favour of postponing because there's a part of me that says there's a lot to study and 2weeks more will really help. Yet there's another part that says that i neednt postpone coz i dont really need to study all that i say i need to and i'll be fine if i just focus on finishin the important stuff.

I need to make a decision soon.

All those of you out there who read this blog, lemme know :-(


Janet Nakano said...

I heard that it's good to set your date for the GMAT and stick to it. You should prepare like it's a marathon. You might think, "if only I had x more time, I could do better", but ultimately you still have to run the race that day. That said, an extra 2 weeks could be beneficial IF you keep up the studying. But I wouldn't really postpone for much longer than that. Good luck!

Neo2000 said...


I still havent postponed and this decision is killing me :-( You are right though,i wont be postponing for more than 2weeks.

Thanks for the advice though :)