Friday, September 19, 2008

List of B-schools

LOL! does it really matter? If i'm only going to apply in 3-4years time, then the whole world is my application arena :) i have 3-4yrs to really research the schools i want to go to and then decide if i really want to go there. I'll be 31 by the time i hope to enter and that number could be a deterrent at some schools. Will it be worth my while to research those schools now?? How do i know these schools wont show a marked preference for younger candidates??

With the economic crisis worsening this year in the US, i believe the competition at b-schools is only going to get worse. While i'm glad i'm not part of the race this year, I can only speculate how it'll be in the years to come. Placement stats for those graduating next year should make for interesting reading.

Potential Q to ask b-school Ad-Com: Explain the puff in your placement stats :-p


Anonymous said...

Wow! So an MBA at 31? Aren't you an Indian student? I thought Indians get married pretty early. No plans of tying the knot?

Neo2000 said...

Yeah i'm going to be "over the hill" when it comes to marriage in India. My family is under the impression i'll be pursuing a 1yr MBA in the next coupla years so Please dont spill the beans :)