Lasted about 18mins. I called, was connected straightaway and was told-- i'd be put on speaker, my interviewer would be making notes throughout the interview and i've forgotten the rest of the instructions.
Questions asked were
Why MBA?
Why Pamplin? ( have a friend in Pamplin, so i mentioned this and remarked about how he always said it was a great place to be to which she laughed and said that it's nice to know their students are speaking well of the college.( Doesn't everybody speak well of their college? ))
Define Leadership/what it means to you
How are you unique ( which was also an essay question)
Talk about a team situation where things did not go as planned. What would you have done differently?
What would you bring to class that would enhance learning experience?( already mentioned in my essay)
What are your career goals? ( I'm into entrepreneurship so essentially what field do i plan to get into? ) My resume has 2 educational field start-ups so i said i wanted to be in that field. I also talked about a teaching experience that i had and we went into how i got influenced ( christian brother's boarding school->great teachers, teaching experience with law students and how they still keep in touch etc) and how i would probably end up as a teacher sometime or the other.
Will update if i remember more.
p.s. there's a nice idea brewing in my head over this. More details soon