Sunday, June 24, 2007


I started my prep! Atleast, I studied a part of the PR. Am almost done with the Math part. Should hopefully start with the Verbal part soon. Have delayed like crazy the process of picking up the Manhattan SCG and the CR/RC but now no more. Really have to pick it up soon. I've said July end is when i plan to give the GMAT but its almost June end and I'm only just starting. Dont think it'll be july end but any later than August and I'll be pushing it pretty darn close.

As part of the essay improvement, i realised that in order to write some good stuff

a.) You must write Good Serious Stuff
b.) You must write Everyday

Doesnt this make sense?? I know how many hours i've spent just trying to frame a simple business mail. I've resolved to now spend some time(say 15mins :D ) thinking ( or atleast trying to) and then updating one or both of my blogs. Not only will that force me to do something about either one,hopefully by the end i'll be writing decent stuff :-D And as a bonus, accomplished something too!!

Wish me luck :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all right.
so the journey starts :) I'll be watching this space.